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Schermafbeelding 2019-03-11 om 19.07.23.
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Fire of Anatolia, known as one of the best dance groups of the world, will be performing on Saturday, November 11th 2006 at 8 p.m. in Ethias Arena Hasselt.

Fire of Anatolia is a unique project that gets its sound from Anatolia's ancient mythological and cultural history. Produced by Mustafa Erdoğan, general art director, Fire of Anatolia introduces to the world the fire that arises from the ancient mosaic of love, culture, history and peace of Anatolia.

The first part includes a short preamble about the creation of Anatolia and the holy fire on Nimrod, followed by 'The Fire Ceremony', 'Rivers of Fire', 'The Fire Dance', 'The Darkness Army', 'The Triangle of Love, etc.

75 dancers with about one thousand costumes perform an outstanding show that combines the traditional oriental rhythms with spectacular special effects. The ardent and purifying fire of passion and the desire for freedom are the main subjects of the show. This show includes two parts in a progressive chain of dances culminating with the victory of good that defeats the dark forces of evil.

The second part makes the good win, whereupon the malefic character admits the defeat. Fire of Anatolia conveys its message of peace by 'The Army of Light', 'Recovery of Live', etc.

Fire of Anatolia performing Pandora’s Legend presents a breathtaking dance show lasting 90 minutes.

Perfection. This is the word for the show offered by one of the most famous dance groups in the world: Fire of Anatolia.

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Troy is as old as the stories in the Sacred Book…Historical Ilion or “Wilusa” city, as called by the Hittites, located in Hisarlık region of Canakkale and founded thousands years ago has served as basis for many ancient myth… for one of the oldest and most known stories of the history of humankind, where the dreams and truth, science and utopia mixed into each other… 

The western civilization is indebted its cultural inheritance to Troy Myth but nothing else. This story, which was deemed as happened in 1180 BC, was again written to the memory of the humanity by an Anatolian Poet. The story which had been written down by Homeros, born in Izmir, in his immortal books of Iliada and Odysseia, had taken its place among the most known compositions of world. Such that, it has an important and effective place as much as all sacred books and was turned into a mysterious adventure that made the history writers of all nations most curious throughout the history.

The one who put the last point on this curiosity, investigation and travels, containing a history of three thousand years, and get Troy out to the stage of history again and made the myth a real history was the German archeologist Heinrich Schliemann. The treasures of humankind, which was found manually by sheltering under the mysterious voices of rumors and taken out of the country with great adventures were also turned into one of the basis of contemporary archeology. What Schliemann has taught us is that : “The voice coming out of the ruins is the voice of our own history”. The ones who do not hear the voices of the history can not hear the voice of future. Fire of Anatolia Dance Group is giving life to myth of Troy. We are welcoming this immortal composition of history of art after three thousand years in its Motherland. The illuminated city which embellished the dreams of world leaders passing over the ages, from Hittite King Tuthalia to Alexander the Great, to Caesar of Roman Empire; from Persian King Kserkses to Constantine of Byzantine Empire, from Sultan Mehmet, the Conqueror to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk…. The scream rising from the ruins of Troy and the revival of a mystical dream of 3000 years…



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